Wednesday, April 8, 2009


My life has pretty much been uneventful for a while. That's why I haven't done anything on this for a while. And I forgot about it. The bug has no new problems. Just the same old ones that haven't really been fixed. I had a scholarship audition at Snow College in February and the guy said that I definitely had a place in the symphony orchestra and that he will do his best to get me a scholarship. He said I should hear back by April 1st but I have not heard anything yet. I can't wait until high school is over. It is the lamest thing now. I am sick of it. But whatever. I guess I just have to live through it and make ith throught the last term. I went on the orchestra/band/choir tour to Disneyland at the end of February. Disneyland is really the happiest place on earth. And California rocks. But I'd still rather live in Utah. Utah rocks a little more in my humble opinion. And people keep bugging me about asking someone to prom. I don't know anyone though but no one else seems to understand that. But whatever. That's pretty much my life right now.