Monday, November 10, 2008

I Don't Know What to Title This

Once upon a time, I went to babysit a couple of cousins in my family. Their names will remain classified. Anyways, I took my dad's car to their house instead of the bug. While I was on duty, my father fixed the stuck window and the hand brake, which also broken (If I didn't already mention that in the past). I am happy.

In other news, my dad donated a camo net thing and a uniform to the Juniors at my school. Each class decorated a hallway for freedom week. I was unhappy that my dad betrayed me so. I am ok now because the Seniors won the contest. Our hallway was way cooler than the Junior's and the Sophomores aren't even worth mentioning. That will be all.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Life of Late

This is the Yo-Yo. He's the best. I love him. (Nacho Libre accent) Guess what. The bug has yet another problem. The hand brake is broked. I am sad. Math is dumb but I actually understood what I learned today. I like AP Music Theory. It is really hard but awesome. AP English is hard too but it is almost awesome. I have to read Jane Eyre for it. It is dumb. I need a job. I owe many much moneys to mommy and daddy. If anyone knows where I can get a job please tell me. What ev.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Favorite Halloween

This is me on the best Halloween I can remember along with the people I am imitating.

The Craziestness of Craziness

Hi. Life is what ev. My bug has a few issues. The passenger side window is stuck in the open position and it snowed while I was at school today. The passenger seat was soaked and I wanted to cry. I didn't put my car cover over it at school because some people are stupid and might do something to it.

If you want to kill 30 seconds then look at these funny and/or stupid comic thingys. I thought they were choice comics among the comic world. They were worth keeping.